Could December Be The Best Time To Look For A New Job?
The festive season is nearly upon us and as we start to creep towards 2018 and the start of another year, there will be much soul searching. Are we happy with our lives? Could we be in better shape? Could our relationships be better? Better job? The new year is always the impetus for many people to begin to address where they want to go in life, many new year resolutions are made and fall by the wayside, but those resolutions that are the result of genuine reasons for wanting a change tend to become habit. However, there appears to be a growing trend and number of experts who are suggesting those wanting to switch jobs should not wait until January and consider doing it in December for various factors: Competition For many the thought of having job insecurity or interview hassle around the holidays is too daunting a prospect, but because of these reasons, there is likely to be significantly decreased amounts of competition. Some reports su...