The Impact Of Star Wars Upon The Film Industry

This December will mark the fortieth year since Star Wars was gifted to the world by George Lucas, and in that time, has been elevated to cult status around the globe with millions of adoring fans. It is now a common sight to see Darth Vader and Princess Leia at various fancy dress parties, and fans young and old alike wearing Star Wars shoes or t-shirts referencing the films. The cultural impact of Star Wars has been a lot more extensive, and references to the films are littered in popular culture around the world, and are instantly recognisable to both fans and non-fans alike.

This impact upon wider popular culture had not been seen at the time at the time of release, and it is unlikely that we will ever witness a movie have such a significant impact again.

The Impact of Star Wars Upon Fashion

It should not come as a surprise that the memorable iconic garments from the film have had a substantial impact on the world of fashion, both in and outside of the Sci-Fi genre. The world of Sci-Fi fashion was very much revolutionised following on from the release of Star Wars thanks to the illustrator Ralph McQuarrie and British costume designer, John Mollo. Their influence shifted the genre away from the cliché futuristic costumes, and towards those which were heavily influenced by characters from samurai movies, and traditional Japanese clothing. In the pre-globalised society of the 1970s, this fashion would have been incredibly distinct from western norms, and would have appeared alien to western audiences during the period.

How Star Wars Rejuvenated The Sci-Fi Genre

However, it is not just the Sci-Fi sartorial sphere that has been heavily influenced by the movies; its influence has had a significant impact upon films throughout the following decades, and can still be felt to this day. The Sci-Fi movies of the 1970s were dominated by dystopian socially conscious warnings, such as Kubrick’s 2001. However, Lucas’ decision to transport the traditional cowboys and Indians narrative into one that was interplanetary revolutionised the genre, and ensured that it would appeal to a wider, younger audience.

Lucas’ focus on pioneering new cinematic special effects led to the development of motion control rigs to create the swooping, dynamic spaceships. The focus on developing digital worlds was fully realised in The Phantom of the Menace in 1999, which, in turn, led to other digital rendered films at a later date, including The Lord of The Rings trilogy. The depth of the backstory led to developments in other films’ storytelling and to the birth of film franchises, with characters and plots spanning and developing from film to film.

The Impact Upon Hollywood & Worldwide Cinema

The commercial success of the films also transported the financial and business side of Hollywood into the mainstream and onto the front pages of newspapers around the world for the very first time. In its first seven months of release, the film took audiences by storm and grossed £108million at the box office in the USA alone. Up until this point there was not the obsession within both the public and media regarding the amount of money taken at the box office over the opening weekend. This move can very much be attributed to the success and cultural phenomenon that Star Wars generated.

The release of Star Wars evidently had a significant impact upon Hollywood and film industries around the world that can still be felt to this day. The films’ influence can still be felt in films made, and has influenced and led to the creation of numerous blockbusters over the previous decades. It is hard to pinpoint a movie that has had such a significant and extensive impact upon both the world of film and wider popular culture.

Forty years after its creation, the force is still as strong as ever, and looks unlikely to change any time soon!


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