Remote Working: Three Vital Pieces of Tech!

In years gone by, the dream for many was to enjoy the luxury of working from home for one or two days a week. In the last decade, advances in technology have not only made that dream a reality for the entire week, but have also begun to open new avenues for individuals to make money working remotely. 

The unprecedented growth in the encompassing complexity of the internet has given writing and photography roles incredible freedom. Now, every budding creative has a platform and a voice to broadcast their talents. In turn, seemingly infinite advertising opportunities have exploded into fruition, enabling content creators to receive financial reward for their passion. 

However, remote working hasn't been constrained to just writing and photography. In fact, a broad spectrum of professions have begun to re-evaluate their roles, and whether or not they would be able to carry out the same job on the move. Programmers, graphic designers and even teachers have leaped at the opportunity to work flexibly.

Students and recent graduates, for whom teaching English has always been a popular option have historically been limited to teaching in one fixed location or school. But now, technological advancements have led to a dramatic rise in the number of online English schools and companies that are actively developing apps to connect teachers and students. 

When you consider that a teacher can command a fee of £10 to £100 an hour depending on the booking, you can see how viable it could be for a teacher, with the help of some key pieces of technology, to tutor while travelling the world. 

That's where I come in. As a recent graduate and lover of the English language, work is hard to come by. That's why for myself and many others like me, teaching English is a great way to build a portfolio, gain experience and work to a schedule that accommodates my busy and active lifestyle. These are the top 3 pieces of vital tech for a travelling English teacher: - 

1. Laptop

The laptop may seem like the most straight forward and obvious choice of tech in the modern day. But when you consider that not only was all work consigned to a desktop only two decades ago but the fact that laptops themselves have seen a significant progression over that time.  

They are the first example of a portable device that was capable of performing all the tasks you required. Yet, a clear majority of the early incarnations were clunky, heavy devices with very limited battery life. Apple and Microsoft might have revolutionised the market with design and operating software but all laptops are not created equal.

Size, weight and looks are important factors to consider when you will be travelling with your device every day. However, the key aspect will be processing power; as online teaching will be very reliant on the ability to process video and audio quickly to not affect the quality of the lesson.

2. Headset

When you think of the first video calls that happened over the internet, you conjure pictures of dodgy internet connections constantly cutting out or grainy picture and sound quality. While at the time it was a remarkable feat, it often became more frustrating than it was worth. 

Laptop manufacturers have invested millions into developing tiny cameras that produce crystal clear images, while incorporating technology from audio leading brands to improve the level of sound quality. However, as impressive as they have become, they are still not at the degree that is required when considering online English tutoring.  

When you consider that it is of vital importance that you hear every syllable uttered, while also pronouncing every sentence perfectly, it is invaluable to invest in the likes of a Leitner or Sennheiser headsets which will allow you to do both.

3. Wireless Travel Router

It is hard to imagine a world without the internet, it has become so ingrained in both our professional and personal lives. Truly the quintessential 21st century problem is where can I get ‘good’ internet on the move?

Cafés have dominated this market over the last decade, spurred on by a growing demand of start-up and freelance professionals preferring to work in public spaces. Yet many of the top cafes or places are often less than ideal due to weak internet, highlighting the need for a wireless travel router

These routers are one of those rare travel gadgets that seems under-priced for what they do. They are essential for those teaching sessions where you are confined to a Airbnb with only an ethernet port, or even when you can only get weak wi-fi signal in a public place and want to amplify it. These devices will allow you to be efficient with your time and not have to deal with trying to find wi-fi or dealing with those unexpected technical internet issues.

Bonus – Headphones

Since the first pair of portable headphones hit the selves back in 1970’s, they became a sure-fire way of blocking out the world. Masses of teens would crank up the volume on their Sony Walkman to avoid having to talk or listen to anyone for a few hours. 

The audio advancements of the modern-day headphones are staggering in comparison. Different from the previously mentioned headsets, a good set of noise cancelling headphones provides the ability to prep for a lesson in peace. 

No more transportation rumble, surrounding chatter and screaming babies, even without music playing, noise cancelling headphones are a lifesaver when travelling. 


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