Get Fit for Summer - Learn to Run for Fun

I have been thinking a lot of late about ramping up my fitness regime to shore up my stomach and ensure there's no unsightly wobbly bits should I dare to get my chest out in the sunshine! As a result I put together a little infographic on my tips to get yourself motivated enough to go running, and keep running.

Basically everybody wants to get fit for Summer. It's when we get our flesh out on display and you don't want that exposed flesh sending children running screaming into the hills! But embarking on any new fitness regime takes DISCIPLINE. We've all got the best intentions when we start trying to fit fitness in, but it's all too easy for that initial burst of enthusiasm to wane and before long your passion for getting trim has evaporated.

So how do you stay motivated? There's no simple fix for this. Motivation and discipline are what you need, by the bucket load. However, there are a few tips you can utilise, as I've highlighted in my graphic, to make the most of your new get up and go and ensure you don't give up before you've gotten started. So take a look through my tips to get up, get active and get on top of your fitness goals.

Useful Gear:

Run Tracking Apps - To keep tabs on your runs, and your progress
Online Sports Shop - For the essential running wear, at discount prices
Couch to 5K Program - Fantastic resource from the NHS for motivating you into achieving 5k in one go, from a standing start

And Remember: Do It For You

Running is hard. Keeping fit is hard. There’s no point pretending otherwise. BUT as long as you remember why you’re doing it, for yourself and no one else, you can keep it up and go from couch potato to king of the running track!


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