Five Easy & Cost Effective Ways to Support a Charity This Christmas

I reflect almost every Christmas on how lucky and thankful I am to have my friends, my family and my health. I've been looking into ways the more fortunate amongst us can help the less fortunate without disrupting our own lives and budgets this Christmas.

From what I've gathered, people really do wish they could do more for others during the Christmas period, but it’s tough when there’s so much happening in our own lives during this time, taking on more could just cause us to spin out of control; and what about our budgets? Christmas is a very tight time regardless, so how can we afford to spend more?

Donate Contraband

Got a loft full of old toys? Pass them along to Barnardo’s who give them to children in need. You could even give blood this Christmas and help the fight against blood disease; it costs nothing to give, is quick and can help save someone’s life. Got an old computer or Mac lying around? Computers for Charities will take your beloved old machine off your hands, refurbish it, and set up a charitable organisation with the added processing power. Or if you have some groceries to spare try giving some away to a Food Bank, most are available nationally and are always in need during the Christmas period.

Charity Christmas Cards

Charity Christmas cards have the benefit of providing charities with 100% of the proceeds and giving something useful for both the beneficiary and the donor. Many of the cards on selection are beautifully designed, usually by great artists in support of a particular charity. This is a win / win situation in my view - granny gets a great card and the charity of your choice gets the support it vitally needs.

Raise a Puppy for Guide Dogs for the Blind

In this particular case, a dog may well be just for Christmas. Guide Dogs for the Blind are offering a puppy raising scheme, in which you can take a puppy into your home for 14 weeks, to get the young pup accustomed to the different aspects of their future duties before (sadly) having to hand them back to the charity. Expenses are covered by the organisation; all you need to do is help the young pup grow into a friendly, confident and sociable creature.

Host a Coffee Morning at Work

Coffee Mornings are a great way to bring your co-workers together in support of a charitable cause. Frequently, all the materials you need are supplied by the charity; you’ll need to find the space (how about the office?) invite the people and think of ways to raise some funds. I would recommend cupcakes or a raffle, people love eating cake and being competitive so you’re pretty much guaranteed to do your chosen charity proud.


For those of you who are big into online shopping like myself, you may know that every December eBay gives users the option to donate a percentage of their profits or expenditure to a charity of their choice. It’s an easy way to donate alongside your usual shopping, selling and browsing duties, and earns you benefits across the site such as increased visibility as a seller.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you all find a way to help out this Christmas. Whatever you do, make sure to let the world know on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and wherever else you’ll be heard. Spread the word!


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