Morning Gloryville Offers Pre Work Clubbing to Rave Your Way into the Day

I recently read up on a new concept in clubbing that's apparently been sweeping London and has now made it down to Brighton: early weekday morning club nights. No, I'm talking about wild after parties into the small hours, which have been popular in clubland for a long time now, but actual sessions set up to take place before revellers head off to work. This brave new concept is known as Morning Gloryville and as soon as I'd heard they were on their way to Brighton I knew I had to give it a go.

Brighton's first pre-work club night/morning took place last Thursday, from 6:30am until 10:30am, in what's now called Shooshh, but will be better known to most under its previous guise of the Honey Club. With a strict no alcohol policy the event isn't billed as somewhere to carry on the shenanigans of the previous evening's debauchery, but rather an opportunity to start the day with some no holds barred dancefloor action. The organisers claim there is no more invigorating way to start the day and whilst I'd argue that a dip in the sea could legitimately lay claim to such a title, it's certainly true that this experience left me feeling refreshed and more energetic than I usually would be, come 8:30am when I left.

It's well known that dancing has many health benefits, not least the aerobic activity you're getting being a solid calorie burner, but beyond the obvious exercise there are harder to quantify welbeing benefits that should not be underestimated. Although not everyone will admit it, we all love a dance, and letting it all out when caught by the rhythm is one of life's most basic pleasures. There's a reason that Zumba dance classes have become a multi-million pound fitness empire. Being able to shake your body in a proper nightclub, surrounded by others in the same frame of mind to kick off the day in this manner really is quite the experience and I have to say I loved it.

I got to the club just after 7am and felt it strange turning up as the sun was rising. I'm normally falling out of clubs at this hour, not heading on in, sober as a judge. Inside I was hit by just how light it was, compared to what I was used to when entering a club. Partly this was due to it being broad daylight, but also I think the organisers had obviously made a conscious effort to not block out the light, maintaining the start of the day vibe that was so core to the whole event. After all, everyone was here to kickstart their day, not pretend it wasn't happening.

A series of folding lightweight tables were set up where instead of sticky plastic glasses full of vodka and Red Bull, you could pick from fresh coffee and organic smoothies to fuel your disco feet. They were even offering free wake up massages!

When I first heard about Morning Gloryville my first thought was that without the social lubricant of alcohol people just wouldn't be willing to get up in dance in public. However I was proved wrong the moment I arrived as fresh faced folk with wide beaming smiles were grooving about with no inhibitions whatsoever. In fact it made quite a change from the stumbling zombified dance casualties you'd normally find in a club come the early hours. These people were positively brimming with energy and the atmosphere was infectious. Before long I was getting into the swing of things with no concerns over what other people were doing, or who was watching.

The vibe really was great and whilst I have to confess there were a few people there who were perhaps just a little TOO into it, for the most part these were just regular people enjoying a good chance to let it all hang out before heading off to the office. I left after about an hour and a half feeling great and the rest of the day seemed to fly by. I was alert, on the ball and really productive, which normally takes me at least four cups of coffee!

I'd recommend Morning Gloryville to anyone who fancies trying something new and giving themselves a unique start to the day. You can find out more on their Facebook page.


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