Why an MP Wants to Talk About Writing Essays

Source: Flickr I had always forgotten about essays during the summer when I was at university and it is probably the same for some other students. The first few weeks back are always slightly relaxed and the work load is not as bad as it will be the rest of the year. Fresher’s week will be great and you might start to forget why you are at university, I know I did. Essay deadlines will soon begin to stack up towards the end of the term. You might find yourself snowed under a lot of deadlines at any one time and the stress that comes with it will not be too far away. I remember feeling like my work load got too much towards the end of each year at university and I often considered paying someone to write my essay for me. It would have made life so much easier but I never went through with it. If you are anything like I was, your student loan will be spent on bulk buying beer at the beginning of every term and you might have to live off plain pasta for a few weeks bu...