A Look at the Best Jokes from the Edinburgh Festival 2014

Having not been lucky enough to visit the Edinburgh Festival myself this year, I thought I would take a look at what the critics had to say so I could bring you the low down of the best jokes from the Edinburgh Festival 2014.  Telling jokes in the pub is somewhat of a pastime for me and my mates and what better place to get inspiration for one-liners than the Edinburgh Festival?

One-liners are a tricky beast, often resulting in a sort of “ah” sighing sound which is designed to signify that people are unimpressed. But the Edinburgh Fest is a comedy hub so I expected the crème de la crème when I heard that this year’s best one-liner had been voted for by a panel of experts from over 7,000 one-liners and then chosen from the panel’s short list by the public. The winning joke was from the 2010 winner Tim Vine, dubbed the king of one-liners for a reason!

“I've decided to sell my Hoover... well, it was just collecting dust."

This tickled me, but I must say I think I prefer Tim Vine’s 2010 offering:

"I've just been on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday. I'll tell you what, never again."

I don’t need to tell you that comedy is subjective, but based on the kind of humour that my mates and I enjoy; here are five of my favourites that missed out on the top spot.

5. "Money can't buy you happiness? Well, check this out; I bought myself a Happy Meal." – Paul F Taylor. I can see this one going down swimmingly with my friends, particularly if we were in McDonalds.

4. “Due to the size of my social circle, a lads' holiday would resemble a romantic getaway.” – Phil Wang. Anyone who has a “quality over quantity” policy with friends can probably relate to this one.

3. “The other day, I went to KFC. I didn’t know Kentucky had a football club.” – Nick Helm. Another most excellent fast food related joke, with a football twist – what’s not to love?! (By now you’ve probably got a good idea of the kind of places me and my friends hang out).

2. “Dogs don’t love you. They’re just glad they don’t live in China.” – Romesh Ranganathan. I confess, I am a dog person and I find they make much better joke material than cats.

1. “I thought Benefits Street was a budget box of chocolates that you could buy at Lidl.”- Imran Yusuf. Now this is a joke and the clear winner for me! We’ve all gone into Lidl and seen the imitation brands that resemble the real thing and it makes me chuckle every time. I was shocked to see that this little gem of a joke didn’t make the official top ten.

Some jokes which did however make the top ten could have come out of a Christmas cracker in my opinion:

"Always leave them wanting more, my uncle used to say to me. Which is why he lost his job in disaster relief." – Mark Watson

"I forgot my inflatable Michael Gove, which is a shame 'cause halfway through he disappears up his own arsehole." – Kevin Day

No offense to Mark Watson or Kevin Day but these jokes just didn’t do it for me and I think you might need to hit the joke books before next year’s Edinburgh Festival!

Do you think I’ve missed the mark and left out some crackers? What are your favourite one-liners from this year’s Edinburgh Fest?


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