The Ancestry of the Combat Boots Trend
We all love a good pair of combat boots. They are tough, they last and with growing attention from the catwalk – they are now officially fashionable. On top of that, they look cool - fact. Whatever your reason for loving combat boots I thought we should take a moment to pay homage to their ancestry. Reflecting on their history, design and reason for existing in the first place.

The Design

Combat boots are designed to be light weight (averaging 2lbs), durable and waterproof. The idea is that they can endure a man being at war – or women of course. Most combat boots will typically be made from materials like waterproof leather, Gore-Tex and rubber. A high-leg pair of combat boots will also support your ankle avoiding any twisting or breaks that could be caused in rough terrain. They can make ideal hiking boots, however the secret is to break them in. There are plenty of websites offering tips on breaking in your combat boots.

Combat boots are designed to withstand all weathers and will last a lifetime. What’s not to like? But how do the original military designs reflect in fashion brands now embracing the boots? While the look may be the same if you want to guaranteed quality and support from the trusty combat boot then get yours from a military shop. What could be more designer than owning an original? There are now also military boots specifically designed for women in smaller sizes with a higher arch and narrower widths.

The Evolution of Combat Boots
The first boots for battle were worn by the Assyrian army as early as 1000 BC. Now you will see them on the feet of everyone from military personnel to teenage Goths and grunge types.

The official birth of the combat boot kicked off with trench boots in World War one. These were made of cowhide with iron plates welded to the soles. Unfortunately for the soldiers fighting in soggy trenches, they were not waterproof. This problem was fixed with the introduction of the first modern combat boot in World War Two. This boot was made with thick leather and rubber, which protected the soldiers feet from water. There were also just two buckles. All of these boots were rough and fading in colour. It wasn’t until the Vietnam Conflict in the 1960s that they became black and shiny. These were also known as the ‘Jungle Boot’. Sadly, with further combat operations moving to desert environments, there were problems in hot climates. The U.S military needed to develop a design that was light weight, cool and dry, which led to the combat boot we know and love today.

How Do You Wear Yours?

Like everything in the fashion industry, it is not necessarily what you wear but how you wear it. Celebrities have been embracing the combat boot trend and are great for inspiration if you can’t decide just how far to go with yours. Pictured (right) is Selena Gomez showing that you can wear combat boots with a dress and get away with it. When it comes to combat boots for men, you could swap traditional black boots for red and pair them with dark denim tucked directly into the boot. For the full look you could also wear a vintage t-shirt and wear a tailored peacoat.

Did I miss anything or do you have any better ideas to share? Let me know by commenting. Don't forget to check out the rest of my work on The Spoon Drawer and follow me on twitter for all the latest - @EdwardPhelan1


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