Top 5 Summer Sports in 2014

Yes, it is time to think about summer! Why? Because it is pouring down, windy and my heating just does not want to warm up! So summer thoughts are happy thoughts, and in my case warm thoughts! Being in the town of Brighton sports in summer at the beach just cannot be ignored. There is always a great mix going on at the seafront each year, from water sports to street sports everything is touched on. But, what are the top 5 trends this summer, can you really afford to not be rolling with the “in-crowd” (no pressure)?! by ShedBOy^ via Flickr Well to ensure you know what sports you can either dig out from your ‘past skills drawer’, or for which ones you will have to start practicing in your hallway (or bathtub); I have put together this top 5 list: Retro is Back Skateboarding By Ochre Jelly via Flickr Set the little skater in you free! Back in the 80s and early 90s skateboarding was THE big thing! This could be due to the fa...