NEWS POST: New Treatment For Leukemia Patients

New research published in Friday’s i paper showed the current swathes of progress in the fight against cancer. The article reported on a study that took place at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in New York, which concentrated on cancer patients that had previously undergone chemotherapy to treat cancer but had subsequently relapsed. The cancer patients in question each suffered from a form of cancer that affects white blood cells, B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Although each patient responded positively to chemotherapy, the cancer soon returned with gusto, boasting a resistance to any further treatments of chemotherapy.
However, new treatments developed by the Kettering Cancer Centre allowed patients to be injected with a modification of their own cancer fighting gene to fight the disease. The treatment, known as targeted immunotherapy, involves inserting an additional gene into the patient’s white blood cells that allow them to identify the cancerous cells as a foreign intruder and destroy them. Early trials have showed some remarkable success.
Out of the five patients who received this new treatment, four have suffered no relapses or any hint of the cancer returning between five to twenty four months. One patient died from other complications not related to the treatment.
Although the treatment is not a complete cure for those suffering from leukemia, it does show the continuing developments of helping those who have overcome cancer, and have subsequently gone in to remission after receiving chemotherapy. Currently there is no affordable alternative treatment for cancers after chemotherapy. If a cancer patient is given chemotherapy and they fall into remission with a cancer that is now immune to the treatment, then there are few options available to them. The development of targeted immunotherapy gives these sorts of cancer patient’s hope that they can once again overcome the disease without the need for chemo and with better, long lasting results.
The fight against cancer is a long suffering and torturous marathon, and although we are still a fair way off discovering an ultimate cure for cancer, the developments in treatment like targeted immunotherapy give patients more options and more hope for survival after remission.
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