
Showing posts from March, 2013

NEWS POST: New Treatment For Leukemia Patients

New research published in Friday’s i paper showed the current swathes of progress in the fight against cancer. The article reported on a study that took place at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in New York, which concentrated on cancer patients that had previously undergone chemotherapy to treat cancer but had subsequently relapsed. The cancer patients in question each suffered from a form of cancer that affects white blood cells, B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Although each patient responded positively to chemotherapy, the cancer soon returned with gusto, boasting a resistance to any further treatments of chemotherapy.  However, new treatments developed by the Kettering Cancer Centre allowed patients to be injected with a modification of their own cancer fighting gene to fight the disease. The treatment, known as targeted immunotherapy, involves inserting an additional gene into the patient’s white blood cells that allow them to identify the cancerous c...

A guide To Surviving a hangover

10:34 Waking up in all your clothes on the floor thirty centimeters away from your bed is never a good thing. After gathering myself slowly to my feet I began to piece together what happened the night before. It must have been someone’s birthday, a 21st or a 30th anything else would not have resulted in as much pain as this.  11:00 I’m at the point now where I can actually feel my brain sitting in my skull. It’s like a ball of steel wool pressing against the back of my eyes. The room has stopped spinning but has now taken on another slightly more disturbing trait of being on a slight tilt. I am so hungover. It is a little known rule of the English language hyperbole is only acceptable when you’re hungover. It's in the back of the dictionary somewhere, I swear. I’d get up and show you but it’s all the way over there on the shelf, and the thought of getting up has brought on another bout of whisky-tears.  11:45 A quick trip to the bathroom to relieve myself ...