A Guide To Fathers Day 2013

It’s the day that every Dad across  the country which they can (finally) put their feet up, and get waited on hand and foot, eat breakfast in bed and leave trimming the hedges, fixing the guttering and paining the skirting boards to another day. It’s Father’s Day! The most stressful part of your day should be deciding which sports channel you should watch and when you want your next cup of tea brought to you. You need to make the most of days like this, because the day after you’ll go back to being handyman, taxi driver, chef, janitor, football coach, ballet expert, and IT support. So let’s make the most of this day, it’s all about you remember.

Here’s a guide to Dad’s across the country to what you could be doing on Father’s Day, it could give you some ideas for potential Father’s Day gifts (wink wink, nudge nudge), whatever you end up doing on Father’s Day, whether you spend it sprawled out on the couch with a hangover, on your own at the lake fishing in the peace and quiet or getting waited on hand and foot by the family, enjoy it you deserve it.

The Run Up To Father’s Day

So, it’s the week before Father Day, you’ve dropped your daughter off in her tutu at dance class and you’ve watched your son lose 5-0 at football and is now covered in mud. Upon returning to your humble abode the wife lets loose with a list of house hold chores to be done this weekend. Forget about the Saturday paper and the telly, you’ve got a sink to unblock,  tiles to re-grout, a garage to sort out, broken bike chains to fix and a lawn to mow. No problem you say, that’s fine.

Six hours later covered in oil, mud and the remnants of the blocked sink, you manage to catch five minutes perched on top of the work bench to glance at the weekends sporting headlines. Hold on a second, there’s an advert in the corner which catches your eye and you almost scream with shock and excited. That’s right, it’s an advert for the one and only, The Boss, Bruce Sprinsteen is playing Wembley Stadium on the day before Father’s Day. This is too good to be true. You arise from the workbench; stonewash blue jeans (much like his) caked in grease and grime and begin bellowing at the top of your voice ‘BORRRRRRRRN IN THE USAAAAAAA!’ Kick through the back door, one of the hinges has come off (you’ll fix that later) ‘BORRRRRRRRRN IN THE USAAAAAAAA I WAS…’ the wife is looking at you funny now ‘BORN DOWN IN A DEAD MAANNNNNNNS TOWN…’ The kids have stopped tearing the house apart as you reach for the laptop and get straight onto the nearest ticket vending website. This Father’s Day is going to be Special.

The Actual Day…

So after the buzz of the gig, Born to Run still ringing in your ears, what should you do now? Well after receiving your breakfast in bed and a hand drawn card from the kids, which of course you’re very grateful for and will take pride of place on the fridge, you settle down to a day of T.V, tea and biscuits with the family. And why not, enjoy yourself, relax. Make this year’s father’s day a day to remember by spending it with your family. This is the best holiday for you, Christmas is always over bloated and over rated and birthdays just remind you that you’re no longer in your twenties anymore. Father’s Day is a time for you to relax and reflect on what it means to be a dad, sometimes it’s easy to forget what it’s all about during the daily grind of things, but it’s days like these, with a bit of a hangover and a constant throb in your ears that you realise that you love being a dad. You never changed your mind about this and said to yourself ‘I really hate this’ but you might have forgotten it in the hustle and bustle of things.

Be proud of being a Dad, the fixer of all things, the knower of all knowledge, the patron of biscuits, the cooker of beans on toast, the master of the television remote and the giver of tickles and hugs.  Whether or not your kids have been up all night thinking of the perfect gifts for father or your wife has to buy it for them, be sure to have a cracking Father’s Day this year.


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