Five Ways Technology is Changing Business
A world without internet seems unimaginable but it is only in our lifetime that it’s really developed and become what it is today. Rewind twenty years and the internet was only just being introduced, mobile phones were almost non-existent and touch-id and facial recognition were inconceivable. As technology is rapidly developing it is vital for businesses both small and large to keep their technology up to date as not to fall behind in the modern world. So, exactly how are businesses being changed by technology? Image Credit: Pixabay Productivity The development of technology allows companies to use computer programs and automated business software to replace manual methods of processing information. This means improved access to information and data and a step towards a ‘paperless office’. A paperless office = faster, more agile work with fewer mistakes. Surely that’s a win-win situation? Despite the benefits, this adds questions to employment opportunities. Accessibili...