
Showing posts from November, 2017

Could December Be The Best Time To Look For A New Job?

The festive season is nearly upon us and as we start to creep towards 2018 and the start of another year, there will be much soul searching. Are we happy with our lives? Could we be in better shape? Could our relationships be better? Better job? The new year is always the impetus for many people to begin to address where they want to go in life, many new year resolutions are made and fall by the wayside, but those resolutions that are the result of genuine reasons for wanting a change tend to become habit. However, there appears to be a growing trend and number of experts who are suggesting those wanting to switch jobs should not wait until January and consider doing it in December for various factors: Competition For many the thought of having job insecurity or interview hassle around the holidays is too daunting a prospect, but because of these reasons, there is likely to be significantly decreased amounts of competition. Some reports su...

An Insight Into The Autumn Budget & The Economic Future of the UK

Source Last week, Philip Hammond’s second budget was announced to the backdrop of the ever-increasing uncertainty surrounding Brexit, the continued squeezing of public finances, and the wider economic outlook worsening. This highly anticipated event was eagerly anticipated, and followed on from projected forecasts for growth being cut back with Britain sliding to the bottom of the G7 Growth table . This was Hammond’s first opportunity to strike back after falling victim to a steady and unrelenting stream of criticism earlier this year. His first budget in the Spring was met with a flurry of criticism across both the political and public spectrum as the Conservatives abandoned a pre-election pledge not to increase National Insurance contributions. However, the Chancellor then announced a series of measures to clampdown on tax breaks for the self-employed, which led to a sustained backlash from various quarters, and eventually, an almighty U-turn. Following on from There...

To Let Or To Sell: That Is The Question

Now that I have reached the half way mark in my thirtieth year, I have been entrusted with a position of immense responsibility by my parents: I have been tasked with helping them decide what to do with the family home following their announcement that they are going to be retiring to the sunnier climes of the south of France in the new year.  Not only has this afforded me greater amounts of responsibility, it also feels as though I have been initiated into the world of  home staging thanks to my ever enthusiastic mother, as well as the world of arts and crafts and decorating , thanks for my girlfriend. Along with many of our fellow Brighton inhabitants, we have been immensely fortunate to have seen the value of our home soar in value since it was purchased in the late 1990s. It is estimated that average house prices in Brighton and Hove have seen a surge of 500% since 1995 , increasing from the average cost of £50,000 in 1995, to £300,00 in 2015. Recent re...

Why Clinical Trials Should Be Made Public

As readers of my blog, you will probably be aware that I am a strong advocate for transparency. This goes not just for politics, but also for charitable organisations, global industries, and in this case, clinical research organisations. This infographic has been designed with the intention of communicating why clinical research should be made public for the benefit of science, public health and innovation. S ources