Combating the Increase of Counterfeit Drugs in the Medical Supply Chain

It is hard to imagine a world without the invention of life-saving medicines; they have prolonged the lives of millions and improved the quality of life for even more people. Despite the fact that humanity as a whole has benefited so much from medicine, there are unfortunately still those who are keen to profit from the illegal trade of counterfeit medicines and put the lives of others at risk. Research by the World Health Organisation (WHO), suggested that in 2009 there were 20 million pills, bottles and sachets of counterfeit and illegal medicines available on the black market . While one would usually assume that this illicit trade was reserved for countries in the third-world, sadly this is not actually the case and raids and seizures of counterfeit medicine has appeared in numerous different continents; this includes the EU where 34 million counterfeit pills were seized in 2 months alone in 2009. The reasons for the increase in the trade of counterfeit medicin...