A Walk Down West Street: Sometimes I feel Like I’m In Barcelona

Image Source: http://twentysomethingliving.com/why-you-need-to-visit-barcelona/ Ever since I first visited Barcelona, it has captivated my heart and imagination, compelling me to return time and time again. Even when I returned to the heart of Catalonia during a time of intense flooding , it didn’t fail to disappoint me and to this day I am able to find new corners of the city to fascinate and intrigue me. Imagine my surprise then, when I read in the local paper that a “chavtastic” corner of Brighton is set to become the UK equivalent of La Rambla in Barcelona. If you are not familiar with Brighton, West Street is infamous in our seaside-city for being more than a little run down and despite the council’s best efforts, it continues to attract those who feel the desire to fight and cause other generally anti-social behaviour. The plans to spruce up West Street include a Barcelona–style tree-lined boulevard with an abundance of hotels, restaurants and tasteful st...