How Waste can Contribute to a Better Society and Environment

Many factors contribute to a worsened environmental state, but almost none more so than waste, a concerning by-product of our increasingly consumer based culture. Especially within big businesses such as the energy or trade sectors, corporations frequently overlook the protection of our environment and natural resources in favour of making more money, or doing a job the easier or quicker way. I believe it shouldn't be so hard to change these deeply entrenched ways and adopt more environmentally conscious uses for our waste. Waste Reduction Source: Waste production is almost always harmful to the environment, as well as hugely inefficient compared to our modern technological capabilities. On average, the UK throws away roughly 7 million tonnes of food per year (half of which could still be eaten) which contributes globally to a total of 1.3 billion tonnes and an average of $750 billion in wasted capital. This kin...