Male Grooming Is About More Than Vanity: Here Are My Top Tips On A Healthy Male Lifestyle

I recently heard that male grooming is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The UK’s recent trend for beards is apparently partly responsible for Amazon’s sales leaping 18% in the first 3 months of 2014, and HSBC have even reported the new ‘ yummy ’ (young urban male) is restoring global spending, thanks to their own vanity. It seems as though there are more and more products out there for the male peacock; Tom Ford and Marc Jacobs both launched make-up ranges for men last year. Now I believe in looking good and feeling good but I think and hope it’s more than just vanity and fashion. It shouldn’t just be about appearance, it should be about a healthy lifestyle and taking care of yourself. Male grooming is certainly a current popular trend in western culture and it can’t be a bad thing. With the hope that us men are not turning into women in the process, here are my top tips on being a healthy (not feminine) modern man. Eat Sensibly There is a reason there...