Christmas Gift Ideas for Men

Finding affordable gifts that your friends and family actually want can be difficult but my female friends are always saying that it is the men that are harder to buy for; partly because we always seem to have everything we want but also because we seem less bothered about it. Apparently us men make finding gift ideas an awkward task - nonsense! We are not that difficult to buy for surely? With so many computer games, music vouchers and gadgets out there it should certainly be getting easier. Whenever I ask my Mother what she wants for Christmas she always says: 'I'll know it when I see it,' and I know she is not alone in thinking that. It's her a polite way of saying I have absolutely no idea but am hoping something will jump out at me. Men are the same really but we just don't say it out loud. We don't tend to make lists and here is a top tip right away; we will generally like anything we can eat, drink, play or laugh at! Are Men Bothered? Finding a...