First Homeowner problems? Consider This...

It would seem that the news today has great pleasure in telling everyone that if they do not have a house now, they never will. The property market seems doomed for anyone that isn’t already in it. With the mortgage being labelled the ‘most dangerous financial product in the world’ [i] , many have been put off the whole process and are not prepared to take one out at all. But, if you think of it this way: for anyone renting at the moment, it is almost certain that your monthly rent packet goes towards paying someone else’s mortgage off, while steadily chipping away at your home owning dream fund. With the whole ‘if you can’t beat them, join them!’ philosophy in mind, it is definitely an aspiring idea worth thinking about that could make taking the scary mortgage route worth it in the long-term. Be a landlord! This may seem like a pretty far-fetched idea when you do not have a chance of buying even your first property yet, but hear me out. On average a four bed house in...