Your Home From Home - Moving Into Halls

Getting your room set up is often your first priority when you first get to University. That and locating the Student Union Bar. You mother will be welling up as she makes sure you have all the essentials (mattress protector, spare bed sheets, plenty of fresh underwear and socks) while your dad will be giving you a pep talk and how to stay safe and not to spend all your money in one go, to work hard and don’t let anyone push you around. When you finally wave them off in the car park you’ll suddenly come to the realisation that, you’re alone. It’s a very strange and unfamiliar experience, and it’ll take a while getting used to, but this is your new home now. It took me about two and a half weeks for me to realise that I wasn’t on a school trip or family holiday. That I wasn’t going back home and that this was the place where I actually lived. My first domicile whilst at University was not a pleasant one. A halls of residence that was built in the late fifties and ran on an ...