Coping with rising energy prices with a prepaid MasterCard®

Towards the end of 2012, all of the big six energy companies announced price rises of between 6% and 10.8%.Yet because earnings just haven’t kept up with the rising cost of living, to many people it will feel as if wages are £1,600 lower than back in 2009. To help soften the blow, it’s important to check that the cheapest power tariff has been chosen. What’s more, opting to pay by Direct Debit can also shave a little off the bill, as companies often give a discount if the customer pays in this highly efficient way. Perhaps surprisingly, the best Direct Debit service currently available in the UK isn’t from a bank – it’s offered by the Cashplus prepaid MasterCard . This prepaid card’s Direct Debit service is so special because unlike with banks, there’s absolutely no penalty fee to pay if the payment bounces. There are also free alerts if it looks likely that a Direct Debit is likely to be rejected due to insufficient funds in the account, giving time for the customer to top up ...