Young People & The Future Of Work
The last few weeks of the summer months are always a challenging period for school-goers, either it represents the end of weeks' of freedom, or for those who have recently undertaken exams, it can mean either commencing higher education, or the daunting prospect of entering the workplace. There is no doubt that it is an important period in a person’s life, the results achieved can have long-lasting effects; failure to attain a desired grade in a subject can lead to having to choose a new university, or abandon entering higher education completely. However, it certainly is not as critical as it once was. Changing times and technology are presenting an abundance of previously never thought of career opportunities. So much so, that many young people are carving out niche opportunities for themselves from unlikely sources, such as being an ethical hacker or a vlogger. The majority of these opportunities do not require any or at least the same level of qualifications...