
Showing posts from February, 2016

Technology & Education: The Ever Increasing Role of Technology

Source They were once considered to be the favourite past-time of anorak-loving individuals, locked away in a darkened room, sheltering away from the outside world. However, computers and gadgets now seem to have found their way into the mainstream and are now even considered to be something of an essential and even a desirable gift or indulgence for oneself. While it cannot be denied that they have retained some of their geeky-qualities, gadgets are now more popular than ever-before and it is not uncommon to see a teenager floating along on a hover-board. Even when I was topping up my tan on the beach last summer, I was surrounded by several young men flying their quadcopters; they certainly drew a few funny looks but on the whole it cannot be denied there was a certain level of intrigue, and dare I say it, jealousy from those watching. However, they are not just the forte of single men in their forties, they have also been steadily integrating their way into schools ...

Games London & London’s Booming Games Industry

Late last month, London mayor Boris Johnson announced Games London . The programme is a collaboration between entertainment trade body UKIE and Film London, taking place over the next three years in an effort to realise the capital’s potential as a hub for video game development. The programme will be funded by a £1.2 million grant, as well as the announcement of a brand new London Games Festival which will take place between April 1 st and April 10 th this year. London has long been a key player in European interactive arts development, but still falls short compared to the output from bigger studios in the US and established veterans in Japan. Key players in the console gaming market are based from either Japan and or the USA, but an ongoing investment in the UK gaming sector could help London catch up in terms of quality output. The scheme itself has been a long time coming, but organisers have been holding back for the arrival of the Video Games Tax Relief, introdu...

Muscle Mass Building Tips for Beginners

Working in a bar is tough physical work, as you’re constantly on your feet and rushing around lugging bottles or barrels. Over the years, I’ve found this kind of work is great for keeping fit but not so good for retaining muscle mass.  This recently led to the revelation that all this cardio at work had rendered me into a perilously thin and weak looking gentleman. I’m not normally someone to obsess over the way I look, but this one really took me by surprise and I wanted to do something about it. Regular weightlifters are known to push their bodies to the limit; sometimes they are rewarded with excellent results and other times they encounter injury or burn out spectacularly. As a beginner, and someone who has been working out now for around a month and a half, I wanted to do my best to avoid the latter result and focused on working out safely and happily. I’m happy to now share some tips and tricks I’ve learnt in my first few weeks of working out, and how they ...

Why Mother's Day Is So Important

It would appear that the general consensus is that there is in fact no need for days dedicated to things such as love, fathers andmothers .  A close friend of mine is known to constantly rebel against such mainstream consumerist calendar events, repeatedly suggesting they are purely created so retailers can hit us harder than ever before, enticing us to spend money on things we could really do without. However, my opinion is slightly different. You may be surprised to know that I am a real supporter of mother’s day for many reasons. Being a student means I am often away from home, I live with close friends and lead a very independent life. Everything I have achieved and gained in the earlier stages of my life, there really is only one person I can truly thank, although admittedly, I never did, or simply did not stop and find the time to even consider it being a young and excitable teen. As we grow older we become much more familiar with who we are and where we ha...